Do I Need Lucia Light Therapy?

Do I Need Lucia Light Therapy?

The Lucia N°03 offers the benefits of a very deep mediation, through accessing an expanded state of consciousness almost immediately. The light stimulates temporary harmonic brain wave patterns in the brain usually only found in the brains of people who have been...
Am I Getting Enough Vitamin D?

Am I Getting Enough Vitamin D?

There is an ongoing and little-reported controversy concerning the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamin D. A report issued in 2010 by the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine proposed an RDA of 600 to 800 IU for all individuals from birth to...
Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

Optimizing testosterone levels improves body composition by reducing fat mass and increasing lean body mass for both men and women. Testosterone also helps to stabilize blood glucose and insulin levels making weight loss easier. Just as low testosterone can make...