Why Thyroid

Why Thyroid

Provided by BioTE Medical Tired all of the time? Keep gaining weight for no apparent reason? Hands cold all of the time? Eyebrow and hair thinning? Dry skin, dry hair, brittle nails? You have asked your provider about these symptoms because you are SURE it is your...
The Single Most Important Ingredient for a Healthy Marriage

The Single Most Important Ingredient for a Healthy Marriage

IT EVEN WORKS FOR HUSBANDS WHO PLAY IN THE NFL! When violent incidents such as those of former NFL player Ray Rice punching his fiancée, now wife, flash on our television screen, we are appalled and sickened. While this physical battering is atypical and is the end of...
Revitalize Yourself

Revitalize Yourself

Aging is a process that many people fear, and with good reason. Among men, physical aging is often linked to general loss of vigor as well as increased risks of diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular ailments. Women, on the other hand, experience menopause...
Am I Getting Enough Vitamin D?

Am I Getting Enough Vitamin D?

There is an ongoing and little-reported controversy concerning the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamin D. A report issued in 2010 by the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine proposed an RDA of 600 to 800 IU for all individuals from birth to...