Optimizing testosterone levels improves body composition by reducing fat mass and increasing lean body mass for both men and women. Testosterone also helps to stabilize blood glucose and insulin levels making weight loss easier.

Just as low testosterone can make weight loss more difficult, an underactive (hypothyroid) or suboptimal thyroid can also lead to weight gain and the inability to lose weight. The thyroid gland is hugely responsible for our metabolism.

Are you struggling with unwanted pounds? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Schedule your appointment online at https://www.greenbayintegrativehealth.com/  right now.

Speak with Dr. Steve today about having your hormones tested and getting on a custom, healthy-aging plan, exercise regime or get tested for food sensitivities.

Not only will you fit into those skinny jeans, you will have more energy and enjoy the benefits of disease prevention and a healthier lifestyle!